I'm worried about HIV transmission
HIV is passed on through exchanging bodily fluids (such as semen, blood, or vaginal secretions) in the following ways:
- sex without a condom
- sharing needles to inject drugs
- mother to baby (where mother is HIV positive)
Some types of sex can be risker than others. Anal sex is riskier because the lining of the anus is more delicate than the lining of the vagina and is damaged more easily.
Receptive anal sex is risker than insertive anal sex. The risk of HIV transmission during unprotected oral sex is very low, but there is a risk of other STIs.
If you have had unprotected sex with someone you know has or believe to have HIV, you can take medication called PEP to help reduce HIV transmission. This must be taken within 72 hours after unprotected sex, but the sooner the better.