The Sexual Health Promotion Service is able to provide a range of sexual health promotion services, including 1-1 work across Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth & Southampton. We are part of an Integrated Sexual Health Service that includes GU Medicine, HIV, Sexual & Reproductive Health.
The locality based sexual health promotion team work in the community, often with partner organisations to improve the sexual health of vulnerable young people and adults, regardless of gender, sexuality, race or cultural background. A particular focus of our work is with those populations who are at increased risk of poor sexual health. We aim to increase an individual’s self-awareness and provide brief advice or brief interventions to those identified at high risk.
Trained and supervised Sexual Health Promotion Practitioners can provide Motivational Interviewing (MI), enhanced listening skills and sex & relationships education to empower clients to make informed choices about their lifestyles.
Clients who may be suitable for referral include:
• Young people with identified vulnerabilities who are considered at risk of poor sexual health, unintended pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections
• MSM of all ages at risk of poor sexual health outcomes
• Individuals from BME populations at increased risk of HIV transmission
What can we offer?
• Initial health assessment using evidence based tools such as the RAT for U18s, to identify sexual health needs, level of sexual risk and plan appropriate intervention
• 1-1 brief intervention and behaviour change programme delivered with onward referral to specialist services as needed
• Information, brief advice and guidance to increase the use of effective contraception methods and to promote safer sex practices
• Advocacy support to access specialist Sexual Health Services including Health Advisers, Specialist Sexual Health Nurses, HIV Consultants and GU Medicine
• Where appropriate provide ‘point of care’ testing to include testing for HIV and Syphilis. Urine samples and Self-taken swabs can be taken to test for Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea.
• Condom distribution and pregnancy testing
• Onward referral to community support organisations such as Youth Support Services and Chrysalis (Supporting transitioning transgender people)
Who can refer?
• Health Advisors & Clinical Nurse Specialists
• Specialist Sexual Health Outreach Nurses
• HIV, GUM & SRH Doctors and Consultants
• GP’s & Practice Nurses
• Any voluntary organisation working with vulnerable young people and adults
• Mental Health and LD Teams
• School Nurses and Health Visitors
• Professionals working with young people & adults who have been identified at risk of poor sexual health and are unable to have their needs met.
Behaviour Change Model
Our model of 1:1s has developed and we believe this allow us to better capture the intensive 1:1 work that is done. Based on the NICE guidance for Brief Interventions we have developed a three tiered model which reflected the levels of intervention:
Behaviour Change Model
• Very Brief Intervention
• Brief Intervention
• Intensive Behaviour Change
Very Brief intervention (VBI)
Very Brief Intervention is about providing individuals with information or direction. This is classed as a single issues conversation which is predominantly advice giving, for example signposting to CSP Postal Scheme or talking about the Get It On scheme with a client. VBI may include other activities such as raising awareness of risks or providing encouragement and support for change. These are the foundations of the work we do with clients and are the norm of what we do with individuals.
Brief Intervention (BI)
Brief Intervention involves oral discussion, negotiation or encouragement, with or without written or other support or follow up. These interventions are often multi-themed for example condom distribution with engagement about access to CSP or Contraceptive services or HIV POCT with referral into SHP 1:1 support. This may involve referral to further interventions or directing people to other options/more intensive support. BI often uses motivational interviewing and other behaviour change techniques and can be delivered by anyone who is trained in the necessary skills and knowledge.
Intensive Behaviour Change (IBC)
Intensive Behaviour Change is structured 1:1 Behaviour Change Interventions which use MI and other behaviour change tools to elicit lasting and long term adjustment in behaviour for individuals. These interventions are often linked to complex pre-existing issues and will involve multiple sessions and conversations covering a range of topics. Intensive Behaviour Change is only provided by Practitioners or Team Leaders and uses developed MI or behaviour change techniques. Clients using our IBC services will all require a referral.