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Lets Talk About It
Lets Talk About It
Lets Talk About It
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Lets Talk About It
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Chat Triage
General (Non Clinical) Enquiries
Results enquiry
Appointment enquiry
STI test kit enquiry
Ordered and not received test kit
Help to take my samples
I have a different general enquiry
Sexual Health
I think I have an STI
What are the common symptoms
How do I get tested?
How do I get treatment?
How do I tell my partner?
I have had sex without using a condom
What are my risks?
When can I test?
I'm worried about HIV transmission
I need the Emergency Pill
I have questions about my current contraception
What are the common side effects?
Issues with my Coil
Issues with my Implant
I have missed one or more pill
I have questions about my treatment or medication
What are the common side effects?
I have lost or run out of my treatment or medication
I have a query about my HIV medication
I'm on treatment and I am pregnant
I am worried about the sex I am having
I have had unprotected sex with multiple partners
I am using recreational drugs as part of the sex I am having
I am worried that I am being used for sex or am having sex that I do not want
I am not enjoying my sex life
Advice and Information
Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV
Preventing an STI/HIV
Common STIs and Symptoms
When to test?
How do I tell my partner?
What are my options?
Using condoms
I'm considering a vasectomy
I think I might be pregnant
How do I get the Emergency Pill?
When and how can I test?
I would like information about a termination
I have had sex that I feel uncomfortable about
What is consent?
What is sexual assault?
I'm very worried and need to chat to someone
Chemsex Advice
Harm reduction
Consent and the law
HIV prevention
Accessing 1:1 Support
Psychosexual Counselling and Therapy
What are the common problems?
How can I improve my sex life?
What counselling do you offer?
STI test kit enquiry
Ordered and not received test kit
Help to take my samples
Chat Triage
General (Non Clinical) Enquiries
Results enquiry
Appointment enquiry
STI test kit enquiry
Ordered and not received test kit
Help to take my samples
I have a different general enquiry
Sexual Health
I think I have an STI
What are the common symptoms
How do I get tested?
How do I get treatment?
How do I tell my partner?
I have had sex without using a condom
What are my risks?
When can I test?
I'm worried about HIV transmission
I need the Emergency Pill
I have questions about my current contraception
What are the common side effects?
Issues with my Coil
Issues with my Implant
I have missed one or more pill
I have questions about my treatment or medication
What are the common side effects?
I have lost or run out of my treatment or medication
I have a query about my HIV medication
I'm on treatment and I am pregnant
I am worried about the sex I am having
I have had unprotected sex with multiple partners
I am using recreational drugs as part of the sex I am having
I am worried that I am being used for sex or am having sex that I do not want
I am not enjoying my sex life
Advice and Information
Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV
Preventing an STI/HIV
Common STIs and Symptoms
When to test?
How do I tell my partner?
What are my options?
Using condoms
I'm considering a vasectomy
I think I might be pregnant
How do I get the Emergency Pill?
When and how can I test?
I would like information about a termination
I have had sex that I feel uncomfortable about
What is consent?
What is sexual assault?
I'm very worried and need to chat to someone
Chemsex Advice
Harm reduction
Consent and the law
HIV prevention
Accessing 1:1 Support
Psychosexual Counselling and Therapy
What are the common problems?
How can I improve my sex life?
What counselling do you offer?
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