We offer a free and confidential outpatients service for the treatment of adults living with HIV. This is an open access service and a referral from another healthcare professional is not needed.
Children living with HIV are looked after by the Paediatric HIV team. Our HIV team works closely with these families and support children moving into our care at the age of 18.
As a service we offer:
- Appointments within 2 working days for those who are newly diagnosed with HIV. At this appointment blood tests will be performed; you will have an opportunity to discuss your diagnosis with a specialist nurse or a consultant
- Long term follow-ups, treatment and management for those living with and/or affected by HIV
- Psychological support from health advisor, health promotion or adult mental health nurse
- Specialist dietician support
- Specialist pharmacist to support with medication
- Anonymous partner notification
- Sexual health care, STI testing, contraception and cervical screening
- Specialist care (shared with other hospital consultants where necessary, with consent) including preconception advice, care in pregnancy, hepatitis co-infection and TB treatment
- Peer Support from People Living with HIV - by phone, online or in clinic
- Thames Valley Positive Support is an HIV charity that offers practical and emotional support to anyone affected by HIV across Berkshire. They have now expanded to include support services to the residents of North Hampshire too
- The Terrence Higgins Trust is a charity providing support to people at risk of HIV and people living with HIV. They will also answer private questions online.
- i-base provides lots of information leaflets and useful documents, which can be downloaded and printed. These include a downloadable diary to record treatments and medication, information about HIV during pregnancy, information on changing treatments and lots more.
- PrEP: For information about PrEP, visit our information page.
- NAM - up-to-date information, fact sheets and news about HIV.